4-H Cherry Glaze Cheesecake
In the 1989 edition of the 4-H cookbook from Albeta, Calgary, I found this amazing recepie, which I have used so many times!
1/4 cup (62ml. ) of butter
1 1/2 cup (375 ml.) graham wafer crumbs (I use Digestives)
1 cream cheese package, 8 Oz (philidelphis works well)
3/4 cup (187 ml.) icing sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
pinch of salt
1/2 pint whipping cream
1 can cherry pie filling
blend crumbs and meltet butter together and press into a pan (9"x 12") - god do I hate it when people use imperial and not Metic ....
Bake @ 375 F = 190 C for 6-8 minutes.
prepare filling by mixing cheese and icing sugar together. Whip cream very stiff but not dry and fold it into the cheese. Pour on chrust. Spread pie filling on top. Chill before serving!