Friday, October 13, 2006

Rikkes Boller

150g smør
3dl mælk
1 spk. Sukker
1 tsk salt
50gr gær
400g hvede mel
1 æg til pensling

bag 20 min ved 225 grader

Smelt smør bland med mælk salt sukker og gær. Tilsæt mel. Ælt, lad hæve. Ælt lad hæve ….ælt lad hæve ……

Stil tæt sammen i en klynge.

Juicy bread !!

I’m actually quite proud of how I stole this recipe from a young innocent boy! YUM!!!

….. the Restaurant Frederik & louise @ Skodsborg is quite famous for its bread, and they NEWER give it out! It’s not even in their cookbook! But one day, as I was working @ the sanatorium which is part of Skodsborg, the young cook, apprentice or what ever he was, cam by and I managed to talk him out of it!!! And so with no further ado– I spread the word!

1 litter milk

1 litter orange juice (sweet kind - not sour)

2 packs of yeast

40 g salt

60 g sugar

1 hand full of grains

1,6 kilo flower