Monday, November 07, 2005

This is a recipe for Gløgg or Glühwein as it should be done!

2 sticks of cinnamon
25 clove
1 ginger
1 cardamom
1 bitter orange peel(min. 1 table spoon.)
1/2 bottle of dark rum
3-4 bottle of read wine – and no do not by the cheap and nasty stuff!
Port 1-3 bottles depending on taste and economy

Let the spices soak in a closed container, with the rum for a minimum of 1 week – preferably longer. Filter it and mix it with the rest, adding the port last as you taste your way to the amount that is right for you! Usually I’d say that one port pr red wine is the limit …. But as I strongly believe that the happiness in a person is directly proportional to the amount of port in that same person I guess you have my blessing to go for it!!


At 11/20/2006 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am living in CPH and needed to find a recipe for glogg for the coming festivities. Thanks for your input. I enjoyed reading your blog and have added it to my favs!



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